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Gucci-erfgenamen noemen House of Gucci leugenachtig en beledigend

door Vertigo

Volgens de erfgenamen van voormalig Gucci-hoofd Aldo Gucci bevat Ridley Scotts House of Gucci verschillende onwaarheden. Aldo wordt vertolkt door Al Pacino in de film, die uit de doeken doet hoe zijn neef en opvolger Maurizio Gucci (Adam Driver) vermoord werd in opdracht van zijn ex-vrouw Patrizia Reggiani (Lady Gaga).

“De makers van House of Gucci deden geen moeite om ons te raadplegen voordat ze Aldo Gucci en de rest van de familie afbeeldden als gangsters die niets afwisten van de wereld rondom hen en er zich niets van aantrokken,” zeggen Aldo’s erfgenamen in een statement.

Verder noemen de Gucci’s het een heel pijnlijke film en een belediging voor de modereus. Ze voegen eraan toe dat Reggiani onterecht wordt afgeschilderd als ‘een slachtoffer dat probeerde te overleven in een mannelijke chauvinistische bedrijfscultuur’.

Aldo’s erfgenamen benadrukken dat Gucci altijd inclusief is geweest en in de jaren tachtig, waarin de film zich deels afspeelt, verschillende vrouwen hoge functies bekleedden binnen het bedrijf.

Lees het volledige statement hieronder:

The Gucci family takes note of the release of the film “House of Gucci” and is a bit disconcerted because, although the work claims to want to tell the “true story” of the family, the fears raised by the trailers and interviews released so far, are confirmed: the film carries a narrative that is far from accurate.

The production of the film did not bother to consult the heirs before describing Aldo Gucci – president of the company for 30 years – and the members of the Gucci family as thugs, ignorant and insensitive to the world around them, attributing to the protagonists, events, a tone and an attitude that never belonged to them. This is extremely painful from a human point of view and an insult to the legacy on which the brand is built today.

Even more objectionable is the reconstruction that becomes mystifying almost to the point of paradox when gets to the point of suggesting an indulgent tone towards a woman who, definitively convicted of having been the instigator of the murder of Maurizio Gucci, is painted not only in the film, but also in the statements made by cast members, as a victim who was trying to survive in a masculine and macho corporate culture.

This couldn’t be further from the truth. Moreover, over the course of it 70-year history during which it was a family business, Gucci was an inclusive company. Indeed, precisely in the 1980s – the historical context in which the film is set – women were in several top positions: whether they were members of the family or extraneous to it, these included the president of Gucci America, the Head of Global PR & Communication, and a member of the board of directors of Gucci America.

Gucci is a family that lives honoring the work of its ancestors, whose memory does not deserve to be disturbed to stage a film that is not true and that does not do justice to its protagonists.

The members of the Gucci family reserves every right to protect the name, image, and the dignity of their loved ones.

Bron: IndieWire

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