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Netflix, Amazon en meer steunen Black Lives Matter-betogingen in de VS

door Vertigo

Naast enkele Hollywoodsterren hebben ook enkele streamingplatformen en Hollywood-studio’s hun steun betuigd aan de betogers in Minneapolis en andere delen van de Verenigde Staten. Daar komen de mensen momenteel massaal op straat na de dood van de Afro-Amerikaanse George Floyd door een politieagent.

“Wie niets zegt, is medeplichtig,” tweet Netflix. “Black lives matter. We hebben een platform en zijn onze zwarte leden, medewerkers en artiesten verschuldigd om ons over de situatie uit te spreken.”

“We steunen de zwarte gemeenschap – collega’s, artiesten, schrijvers, producenten en onze kijkers – in de strijd tegen racisme en onrecht,” tweet Amazon Studios.

“Als land volstaat het niet om verslagen en verontwaardigd te zijn,” schrijft Paramount-CEO Jim Gianopulos aan zijn personeel. “Onze maatschappij is gebaseerd op de belofte dat alle mensen gelijk zijn en die belofte is verbroken. Het is onze verantwoordelijkheid om onze stem te laten horen en deel uit te maken van de oplossing.”

Lees nog meer reacties van YouTube, de streamingdiensten Hulu en Quibi, de betaalzenders HBO en Starz en de volledige memo van Gianopulos hieronder:

TO: Paramount Employees

FROM: Jim Gianopulos

DATE: May 30th, 2020

Dear Colleagues,

Across our nation, we are witnessing the real-time expression of years and years of collective pain. The addition of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery and Breonna Taylor to an already unbearable tally of those who have been killed because of the color of their skin has brought to a boiling point the outrage over the systemic racial injustice in this country.

As children, we learn the pledge of allegiance, with the concluding promise that ours is a country built on “liberty and justice for all.” What we have seen in these past several weeks, and if we’re being honest with ourselves, centuries, is example after example of the gap between this promise and the reality in which many live. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. famously said that, “injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” That these words bear repeating today is a painful reminder of how far we have to go as a society in ensuring justice for all. Too many members of the Black community have had their breath stolen from them through racial injustice.

As a nation, our heartbreak and outrage are not enough. The fabric of our society, the founding promise that all men are created equal, is broken, and it is the responsibility of all of us to raise our voices and be part of the solution. At the same time, we have an opportunity for internal reflection as we ask ourselves hard questions about the beliefs that are entrenched in our culture, and explore how we can become better citizens and stewards for one another. We must be better, and we will be better, with love and humanity leading the way.

I know that this comes at a time when tensions are already high and anxiety is ubiquitous as we continue to navigate the ongoing pandemic. In the midst of this incredibly difficult time, know that we are here for you and we remain a community and company that is stronger together and committed to racial and social justice.

Please take care of yourselves and your families and we will strive together to overcome these troubled times.

With my heartfelt wishes to you all,


Bron: Variety