
Een duizelingwekkende dosis cinema



Steven Seagal beschuldigd van verkrachting en ander seksueel wangedrag

door Vertigo

Regina Simons, een figurante die in 1994 meewerkte aan de Steven Seagal-film On Deadly Ground, beschuldigt de acteur van verkrachting. Eerder getuigden al verschillende vrouwen over zijn seksueel grensoverschrijdend gedrag.

Simons vertelt dat ze 18 jaar oud was toen ze door Seagal verkracht werd tijdens een productiefeestje bij hem thuis: “Hij nam me mee naar zijn kamer, deed de deur op slot, begon mij te kussen en trok mijn kleren uit. Voor ik het wist, lag hij bovenop mij en was hij mij aan het verkrachten. Ik was toen nog niet seksueel actief. Mensen hebben het altijd over vechten of vluchten, maar op dat moment verstijf je helemaal.”

“Ik was aan het huilen toen hij op mij lag,” legt Simons verder uit. “Ik ben nu 43 jaar en besef wat er toen gebeurd is. Ik weet hoe een liefdevolle relatie en seks met wederzijdse toestemming eruit zien. Daar was toen geen sprake van.”

Simons diende samen met het Nederlandse model Faviola Dadis klacht in bij de politie van Los Angeles. Die onderzoeken ook een gelijkaardige aanklacht tegen Seagal uit 2005. Dadis deelde in november haar getuigenis al op Instagram. Bij een auditie zou Seagal haar betast hebben. Eerder getuigden ook de actrices Portia de Rossi, Julianna Margulies en Jenny McCarthy over het seksueel wangedrag van de acteur.

In light of the allegations by #PortiadeRossi, I want to speak up about something I should have years ago. When I was 20 I was auditioning for a movie with #StevenSeagal and was sexually assaulted by him. During all our initial interactions, there was a production assistant or casting director present along with Steven. We established a relationship via text, and bonded about similar interests like Buddhism. After 2 callbacks (during the day and always with others present), I was invited for a private audition at the W Hotel late in the evening. Steven said the audition was to see my figure. I was told to wear a bikini under my clothes, and that the PA and casting director would also be there. As this is quite standard in the modeling industry, I agreed to the audition. I was escorted to the room by Steven’s personal assistant. I assumed the PA and casting director were already in the room, but when I arrived no one was there but Steven and his security who stood blocking the door. I noted this was a bit strange, but he apologized and explained they had other obligations. Steven asked if I would take off my clothes and walk for him in my bikini. After doing so (he was on the couch and I was at a far enough distance to do a catwalk for him), he approached me and said he wanted to act out a romantic scene. I was hesitant and expressed this, then he started fondling my breasts and grabbing my crotch. I quickly yelled “This audition is over!”, and tried to run out of the room but was blocked by his security. I started making a noticeable amount of noise, and his security realized I would alert someone,and let me leave. I never reported this to anyone out of fear that someone like Steven, with such a huge amount of power, influence, and money would easily win a legal battle; and furthermore that I would damage my career. However, as others are now speaking out against Steven, I would like to do the same. If any of my friends have ideas regarding a way to get this to the appropriate people, please let me know. This was unfortunately not the last time I experienced this type of behavior from men, and it is completely unacceptable. @hollywoodreporter

Een bericht gedeeld door Faviola Dadis (@neurosciencebarbie) op

Bron: EW

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